
The World Holocaust Forum Foundation is an international organisation dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust and its important lessons for all of humanity.

About the Foundation

Recognising that the world will soon lose the last survivors of the Holocaust and in light of the troubling upsurge of global antisemitism, the World Holocaust Forum Foundation is committed to preserving the memory of the Holocaust and to fostering tolerance between religions and nationalities in the aspiration of eliminating all forms of antisemitism, racism, and xenophobia. The Foundation was born out of the need to preserve Jewish life in Europe, to fight antisemitism as well as oblivion and Holocaust revisionism.


Combatting antisemitism and Holocaust denial and promoting education about the Shoah at the international level is the aim of the Foundation’s Forums entitled ‘Let My People Live!’.

The Foundation also engages in promoting the adoption of laws throughout Europe that criminalise denial of the Holocaust. Now that the German and Russian archives are finally becoming fully accessible to researchers, it is tremendously important that the truth about the Holocaust is presented to the public and supported with irrefutable documentary evidence.

Furthermore, within the scope of this programme, support is given to the production of a range of detailed documentaries featuring the true history of the Holocaust as backed up by documents and other evidence. This programme is essential, both for European Jews and for Europe as a whole, since Europe’s attitude toward the Holocaust reflects its attitude toward its own conscience.