European Jewish Congress Condemns Terror Attack in Jerusalem

Following the cold-blooded shooting rampage perpetrated by a Palestinian terrorist on March 6, 2008 in a rabbinical seminary located in the heart of Jerusalem, as young Jewish students were studying in the library, eight teenagers were killed, and dozens were wounded.
The European Jewish Congress is shocked at this abject attack, specifically targeted at students.

The EJC addresses its condolences to the families and assures them and the wounded of its deepest solidarity. The jubilation displayed by thousands of Palestinians in Gaza and South Lebanon relayed by Hezbollah and Hamas, finds its roots in Iran and Syria. The international community should not only condemn this barbarous act but also blacklist the rogue states and stop all activities and exchanges with them.

EJC President Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor wonders “What credit can we give to today’s condemnation of the Jerusalem attack by Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, while only a few days ago he denounced the so-called ‘Holocaust’ perpetrated by Israelis in reaction to the daily Palestinian rockets fired at Israeli towns?”

By leaving Gaza, Israel gave the opportunity to the Palestinian people to implement self-determination in the Gaza Strip. How can Hamas justify its abilities to produce sophisticated weapons within reach of major Israeli towns and spend millions on armament, while at the same time calling upon the international community for rescue to feed its civilian population?

Isn’t it high time to stop this terror and violence orchestrated by Hamas and Hezbollah and its regional supporters?