Message from Mr. Moshe Kantor, Chairman of the Board of Governors of The European Jewish Congress and President of the World Holocaust Forum

Re: the violent attack on 2 Jewish students in Kiev last week
This is a very disturbing event that no one should overlook. The fact that Jewish students are afraid to walk in the streets, fearing Anti-Semitic attacks such as this one, is dreadful.

I call upon the government to act, and to act strongly against this rise in this dangerous phenomenon. I praise President Yushchenko for his condemnation to this act, but I strongly believe that more should be done. Condemnation of the leadership is important, arresting and punishing the attackers is also important, but combating this growing and dangerous phenomenon of Anti-Semitism, cutting it from its roots – that is crucial. That is crucial not for the safety of the Jews only, but for the safety and well-being of every specific nation and of humanity in general. We should always remember and learn from our dreadful recent history – it will probably always start from the Jews, but it never ends with them. The feelings of hate towards the different, towards the stranger were always the seeds of evil and of dark chapters in human history.

What should be done about that? What should the Ukrainian government do?

I believe the answer lies in education!

Ukraine and all governments around the world should incorporate in their educational program a serious chapter about the Holocaust and its lessons. Only through education could we really shape the thoughts and ideas of the public and of the young generation and promise the elimination of predacious thoughts, which lead to Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia.

In the last few months we are conducting serious talks with the Ukrainian administration regarding holding the second World Holocaust Forum, a conference of world leaders on the Holocaust and its lessons, in Ukraine. I hope we will be able to finalize this in the coming weeks. Such an event in Ukraine would certainly have a strong positive impact on the Ukrainian society.