World Holocaust Forum Declaration – 2006

“Today we have gathered here in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, to commemorate the 65th Anniversary of the Babi Yar tragedy, to assume the commitment to carry on the knowledge and preserve the memory of the tragedy of the Holocaust on our continent, as well as fight with all forms of anti-Semitism. xenophobia and racism, against a new threat for the modem World – international terrorism.

The Babi Yar takes a special place among the sufferings of Ukraine and Europe during the Second World War. Its legacy teaches us that silence is unacceptable when faced with hatred and intolerance.

The mute cries of Babi Yar which echoed in the silence of the world’s reaction to those killings today appeal to us: “Let this never happen again!” In the name of our children, we should not keep silent; in the name of humanity and the future of the planet, we should never again turn our backs on cries for help.

Now, as the International Forum “Let My People Live!”, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the Babi Yar tragedy is concluding, we, people from various countries, dedicate ourselves to preserve the eternal memory of this tragedy and its lessons. For us it is of special importance to carry this to-the hearts and souls of the younger generation so that they value the sanctity of human life.

We welcome the efforts aimed at preserving the memory of millions of victims of the Second World War, the Holocaust and its legacy for generations to come.

We support the initiative of the Jewish Community of Berlin to hold the World Holocaust Forum on November 9-10, 2008, in Berlin, to mark 70 years since die Kristallnacht.”