Educators in Jewish Day Schools, July 2nd – 16th, 2019

The seminar for educators in Jewish Day Schools is a fourteen day, intensive learning program focusing on helping day school teachers develop the skills needed to create curriculum and content for Shoah studies and to deliver that content in the most compelling way possible.  The seminar is historically and pedagogically based using interdisciplinary approaches to engage the participants to create understanding of the Shoah in its complexity.  Using the unique Yad Vashem pedagogical approach, modeled lessons, workshops and collegial interaction, participants will be empowered to create individual Shoah Study programs tailored to their respective schools.

Among the topics studied, under the guidance of world famous professors and teachers, are; The History of Antisemitism, The Jewish Life Between the two World Wars, The Roles of Political and Youth Movements in the Jewish Community Before and During the War, Germany and It’s Jews 1933-38, What is Unique About Nazi Antisemitism?, The Final Solution, The Ghettos, The Camps, Life After the Holocaust, and Theological Approaches to Understanding the Shoah.

We will discuss topics that educators need to consider when developing a Shoah curriculum including; Embedded versus Designated Shoah Studies, Age Appropriate Shoah Studies, Goals Oriented Shoah Studies, and Life After Survivors.

Topics in Pedagogy include; Safely In Safely Out, The Goal of an Educator, Is There a Place for Simulation in Shoah Studies?, The Use of Dilemmas in Shoah Studies, Creating Empathy as a Goal of Shoah Studies, and Using Media When Teaching Shoah.

The educators will encounter modeled classes such as Circles, Last Letters, Beyond the Scene, A Street in Warsaw, Resistance, Shoah as a Tool When Learning Jewish Text, Women in the Shoah, The Antisemitism Workshop, The Auschwitz Album, A Day in the Life of the Ghetto.  These and other educational units for the classroom will be available for purchase.

This program is highly subsidized and space is very limited.  In order to be considered eligible for this seminar you must currently be a teacher in a Jewish day school teaching in middle and / or high school.  Other than a non-refundable $100 registration fee, Yad Vashem will cover the remaining tuition costs associated with the seminar including hotel accommodations (double occupancy / half board) for the duration of the program, food, transportation from the hotel to the seminar and back each day, and all extracurricular activities.

Plane fare and travelers insurance are NOT covered in the Yad Vashem subsidy.

To Apply please go the following link: http://yvng.yadvashem.org/SeminaryRegistration/register-school-form.html?type=5

For more information please contact:

Rabbi Moshe Cohn at moshe.cohn@yadvashem.org.il

Or Dorit Raviv at dorit.raviv@yadvashem.org.il