Yad Vashem Seminars for Educators from Russia and Ukraine – March 19 – March 31, 2006

The Seminar was attended by 24 educators from Russia. Two organizations – the Russian Holocaust Foundation in Moscow (Ms. Alla Gerber and Mr. Ilya Altman) and the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Academy (Ms. Lyubov Ermolaeva) – formed the group. The Pedagogical Academy developed this initiative after a Yad Vashem seminar for leading academics in the Russian education system held in September 2005 (Ms. Ermolaeva took part in that seminar).

Participants were presented with a traditional and proven seminar program for Russian-speaking educators (lectures and case studies on the history of Jewry, anti-Semitism in historical perspective, Nazi ideology and propaganda, key milestones in the Solution of the Jewish Question, the world’s response to the Shoah, the issue of bystanders).

As a new activity, participants took a tour of the Montparnasse Deportedexhibition and a presentation of Yad Vashem textbooks in Russian and in English.

Four of the participants presented their own project at the seminar, which were well received by their colleagues.

All participants of the Seminar expressed their desire to continue working with Yad Vashem as part of the ICEIC program.