
Speech of Rabbi Yisrael Meir Yad Vashem Chairman of the Council, Holocaust Survivor at the Memorial Service on the occasion of the 70 anniversary of Kristallnacht

Dear Friends! This night – the night of November 10th – seventy years ago. Can you imagine the picture? Can you hear the voices? Can...

Address by Jacques Barrot, Vice-President of The European Commission at the Dinner On Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

"We need to pass on this memory to our young generations. From an early age, future European citizens must be made aware that no...

Address By Günter Verheugen, Vice-President Of The European Commission at the Dinner On Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

Dear friends! For the history of my country Germany November 9 is a very special day. Three times in the 20th century November 9 made...

Address by the Chairman Of European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation Alexander Kwaśniewski at the Special Event Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me start by saying how delighted I am to be able to address a gathering of so many outstanding politicians in...

Address by the Chairman Of European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation Alexander Kwaśniewski at the Dinner On Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, The goal of our today’s celebrations – those in the European Parliament and during this dinner – is to commemorate the...

Speech of Rabbi Yisrael Meir Yad Vashem Chairman of the Council, Holocaust Survivor at the Special Event Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

Dear President, Members of the European Parliament, Colleagues, Friends, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen First of all, I want to thank the President of the European...

Address by Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme at the Dinner On Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

«... When tolerance ends, the end of humanity begins. Today we remember – and that is the reason of our being here together –...

Address by Samuel Pisar at the Special Event Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

President Pottering, Presidents Kantor, De Puig and Kwasniewski, Chief Rabbi Lau, Excellencies and Eminences, Ladies and Gentlemen; By granting me the immense honor to address...

Address by Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe President Lluis Maria De Puig at the Dinner On Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

"This, to me, is the biggest danger. The worst atrocities happen when nobody pays attention. And they can happen again because at their origin...

Address by Hans-Gert Poettering, President of the European Parliament at the Special Event Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

Brussels, European Parliament Mr President of the European Jewish Congress, dear Moshe Kantor, Distinguished Speakers, Honourable parliamentarians, Dear Colleagues, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished guests, Today,...

Address by Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe President Lluis Maria De Puig at the Special Event Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

"If we recognise that we are all different, that differences are a richness to us all, but that we are indeed all in the...

Address by the President of the Committee on Coordination of Jewish Organizations in Belgium Joel Rubinfeld at the Dinner On Promoting Tolerance Throughout the European Continent

Monsieur le Premier ministre, Mesdames, Messieurs, Je voudrais aussi souhaiter la bienvenue à l'ambassadeur d'Israël en Belgique, Madame Tamar Samash, et à l'ambassadeur d'Israël...

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Speech by the President of the World Holocaust Forum Foundation Moshe Kantor at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum. Jerusalem

Your majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Distinguished guests, And dear Holocaust survivors,   I would like to begin by expressing my deepest gratitude to President Rivlin, who two years...

“I am here”: Holocaust survivors mark Auschwitz liberation

Their faces lined by age and haunting memories, about 100 Holocaust survivors joined political leaders Thursday in Jerusalem to recall the liberation of the...

World leaders convene in Jerusalem to remember Holocaust and counter anti-semitism

Leaders from almost 50 countries gathered here Thursday to mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz and, drawing on the memory of its...

Kantor: Holocaust forum gives the jewish people around the world hope

World Holocaust Forum President Dr. Moshe Kantor: With current levels of emigration there could be no Jewish communities in Europe by 2050. President of the...