
THE FIFTH WORLD HOLOCAUST FORUM: World Leaders will Gather in Jerusalem to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz and International Holocaust Remembrance Day

(Jerusalem, Wednesday,14 August 2019) – Heads of State from Europe, North American and Australia have been invited to attend the Fifth World Holocaust Forum,...

Prince Charles Confirms Attendance at Fifth World Holocaust Forum In Israel

His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, has confirmed his attendance to the upcoming Fifth World Holocaust Forum, entitled “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting...

Jewish News: Knesset Speaker: Europe’s Post-War Sense of Mission Has ‘Disappeared’ On Shoah Education

Knesset Speaker: Europe’s Post-War Sense of Mission Has ‘Disappeared’ On Shoah Education Knesset’s Yuli Edelstein gave a grim prognosis at an international memorial event in...

At European Holocaust Commemoration Day Event EJC President Warns: As Holocaust memory fades Europe’s immunization to antisemitism ends

(Brussels, Wednesday, January 24, 2018) – European Jewish Congress President Dr. Moshe Kantor has warned that with the fading of direct Holocaust memory, Europe...

Speech by EJC President Moshe Kantor at the International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorative event at the European Parliament. Brussels, January 24, 2018

Speech by EJC President Moshe Kantor at the International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorative event at the European Parliament Brussels, January 24, 2018 Dear First Vice-President Mrs.McGuinness, My...


European Jewish Congress President Dr. Moshe Kantor has warned that with the fading of direct Holocaust memory, Europe is no longer immune from anti-Semitism. Speaking...


The main ceremony, held on Wednesday afternoon, was preceded by the launch of a new exhibition about the Roma and Sinti victims of the...

International Business Times: Jewish Leader Warns On ‘Judgement By Race Or Colour’ As Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban Kicks In

Jewish Leader Warns On 'Judgement By Race Or Colour' As Donald Trump's Muslim Ban Kicks In Moshe Kantor also said that all countries need to...

Arutz Sheva: Pope Speaks About Holocaust Memorial Day

On International Holocaust Memorial Day, EJC President Kantor meets with the Pope at the Vatican and gives him a blessing for his home. European Jewish...

Newsmax: International Holocaust Remembrance Day Observed

International Holocaust Remembrance Day was recognized Friday with a pilgrimage to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum in Oswiecim, Poland, and statements from President Donald...

The Sofia Globe: On International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2017, Bulgaria Honours Diplomats Who Saved Jews

Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry said that on International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2017, it was honouring the memory of diplomats who intervened to save Jews from...

The Huffington Post: Holocaust Memorial Day: Simon Schama Warns About ‘Tone Deafness’ Towards Donald Trump

Simon Schama has issued a stark warning about attitudes to the rise of Donald Trump on Holocaust Memorial Day saying nothing is being “renewed”...

More in Press

Speech by the President of the World Holocaust Forum Foundation Moshe Kantor at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum. Jerusalem

Your majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Distinguished guests, And dear Holocaust survivors,   I would like to begin by expressing my deepest gratitude to President Rivlin, who two years...

“I am here”: Holocaust survivors mark Auschwitz liberation

Their faces lined by age and haunting memories, about 100 Holocaust survivors joined political leaders Thursday in Jerusalem to recall the liberation of the...

World leaders convene in Jerusalem to remember Holocaust and counter anti-semitism

Leaders from almost 50 countries gathered here Thursday to mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz and, drawing on the memory of its...

Kantor: Holocaust forum gives the jewish people around the world hope

World Holocaust Forum President Dr. Moshe Kantor: With current levels of emigration there could be no Jewish communities in Europe by 2050. President of the...