
Jerusalem Post: European Jewish Leader: Islamic Extremists Are the New Nazis

Kantor made his comments as part of the “Let My People Live” conference. European Jewish Congress president Moshe Kantor compared Islamic extremism to Nazism during...

EJP: Moshe Kantor at Prague Forum: ‘Europe Is On a Dangerous Path’

EJC President Moshe Kantor: 'Recent atrocities in Paris, Brussels and Toulouse are visible manifestations of the deep structural problems embodied in European society today.' Moshe...

Radio Free Europe: Survivors Mark Anniversary of Nazi Death Camp Liberation

A ceremony will be held at the site of the former Nazi death camp at Auschwitz in Poland to mark the 70th anniversary of...

Daily Mail: Almost Impossible For a Human Mind to Comprehend

Seventy years to the day since Auschwitz was liberated, Steven Spielberg joins Jewish survivors and world leaders at the former death camp to condemn...

The Algemeiner: Speakers of European Parliaments Sign Joint Declaration Against Antisemitism

The speakers of 29 European parliaments signed a joint declaration expressing their “grave concern” over growing antisemitism in Europe. The gathering of the European leaders...

Financial Times: Time to Build Tolerance into the European Legislative Framework

Sir, This International Holocaust Memorial Day, 70 years since the end of the largest genocide in modern history, we must honour the dead with...

BBC News: Anti-Semitism Exposes Legal Gaps in Europe

Some 400km (248 miles) west of Auschwitz is the Czech town of Terezin, another rather non-descript place which takes some finding on a map...

The Economist: Never Again, Again

At the 70th anniversary of the camp's liberation, war and ethnic hatred in eastern Europe are topical once more A decade ago at the 60th...

Telegraph.co.uk: Auschwitz 70th Anniversary: Holocaust Survivors Recall Life in Death Camps

Survivors gather at Auschwitz-Birkenau to remember the millions killed in the Holocaust on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the death camp Seventy years...

Speech by Miloš Zeman during the Closing Session

Mr President of the European Parliament, Mr President of the European Jewish Congress, ladies and gentlemen, I fully agree with the statement by Dr Moshe Kantor, who said...

Speech by Martin Schulz during the Closing Session

President of the Czech Republic, President of Bulgaria, dear colleagues, chairmen and presidents of the parliaments present here, dear President Kantor, dear colleague Edelstein, ladies and gentlemen, My collaborators...

Speech by Rosen Plevneliev during the Closing Session

President Zeman, President Schulz, parliamentary speakers, ministers, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends. After such a brilliant performance of world-class music and artists, words are needless. But we need to...

More in Press

Speech by the President of the World Holocaust Forum Foundation Moshe Kantor at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum. Jerusalem

Your majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Distinguished guests, And dear Holocaust survivors,   I would like to begin by expressing my deepest gratitude to President Rivlin, who two years...

“I am here”: Holocaust survivors mark Auschwitz liberation

Their faces lined by age and haunting memories, about 100 Holocaust survivors joined political leaders Thursday in Jerusalem to recall the liberation of the...

World leaders convene in Jerusalem to remember Holocaust and counter anti-semitism

Leaders from almost 50 countries gathered here Thursday to mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz and, drawing on the memory of its...

Kantor: Holocaust forum gives the jewish people around the world hope

World Holocaust Forum President Dr. Moshe Kantor: With current levels of emigration there could be no Jewish communities in Europe by 2050. President of the...