
Novgorodinform: Viatcheslav Kantor Became New President of the Russian Jewish Congress

Viatcheslav Kantor became new President of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC), Interfax was informed by the sources in the RJC Presidium which meeting is...

Echo of Moscow: Russian Jewish Congress Has New President – Viatcheslav Kanto

The former head of the Congress Vladimir Slutsker abdicated, he was proposed to become Chairman of the RJC Board but it is not reported...

Gzt.ru: Viatcheslav Kantor Became New RJC President

At the very beginning of the Congress meeting the previous President of the Russian Jewish Congress Vladimir Slutsker announced his abdication having delegated his...

TRUD.ru: Viatcheslav Kantor Became New President of the Russian Jewish Congress

Viatcheslav Kantor became new President of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC), Interfax was informed by the sources in the RJC Presidium which meeting is...

Officer Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland Award to Mr. V.Kantor, London.

On November 8, 2005 Mr. Kantor, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the European Jewish Congress and President of “The World Holocaust Forum”...

Interfax: The World Holocaust Forum Will Take Place in Kiev in 2006 on President Yushchenko’s Initiative

The World Holocaust Forum will be organized in Kiev in 2006 on the initiative of President Viktor Yushchenko. “We intend to hold the 2nd World...

The Baltic Times: Holocaust Forum Keeps ‘Lessons for All Humanity’ Alive

President Vaira Vike-Freiberga recently met with Moshe Kantor, president of the World Holocaust urn, to express support for the forum its mission. "Latvia...

Nezavisimaya gazeta: Latvia Paid Attention to the Holocaust

Baltic schoolchildren will be taught tolerance The Holocaust horrors touched many European states, including Baltic countries. And in connection with the attempts made today to...

Rossiyskaya gazeta: Bells of Boundless Memory

Mr. Viatcheslav (Moshe) Kantor, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the European Jewish Congress (EJC), President of the World Holocaust Forum foundation, met...

Baltic Times: Vike-Freiberga Accepted an Invitation from the World Holocaust Forum Foundation

Vike-Freiberga accepted an invitation from the World Holocaust Forum Foundation to become a patron for the organization. The foundation combats anti-Semitism and xenophobia around...

Parlamentskaya gazeta: From Krakow Via Riga to Kiev – The Second World Holocaust Forum Will Be Held in Ukraine

President of the Republic of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has met recently with the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the European Jewish Congress...

Telegraph (Latvia): Latvia will not forget the Holocaust

During her visit to New York President of Latvia met with the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the European Jewish Congress, President...

More in Press

Speech by the President of the World Holocaust Forum Foundation Moshe Kantor at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum. Jerusalem

Your majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Distinguished guests, And dear Holocaust survivors,   I would like to begin by expressing my deepest gratitude to President Rivlin, who two years...

“I am here”: Holocaust survivors mark Auschwitz liberation

Their faces lined by age and haunting memories, about 100 Holocaust survivors joined political leaders Thursday in Jerusalem to recall the liberation of the...

World leaders convene in Jerusalem to remember Holocaust and counter anti-semitism

Leaders from almost 50 countries gathered here Thursday to mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz and, drawing on the memory of its...

Kantor: Holocaust forum gives the jewish people around the world hope

World Holocaust Forum President Dr. Moshe Kantor: With current levels of emigration there could be no Jewish communities in Europe by 2050. President of the...